
hazardous [ˈhæzədəs]  [ˈhæzərdəs] 

hazardous 基本解释


形容词冒险的; 有危险的; 碰运气的



hazardous 相关例句


1. Smoking is hazardous to your health.

2. That was a hazardous journey.

hazardous 网络解释


1. 危险:以前定义的安全是指完全没有危险(Hazardous)的状态,而现在认识的安全是不存在不能容许的风险(Risk). 所以,安全管理、安全手段是非常必要的. 风险要素的关系表达式如图4所示.

2. 危险的:hazardous substances 有害性物质 | hazardous 危险的 | hazards analysis 危险事故分析

3. 危险的、冒险的:harmony 协调、融洽 | hazardous 危险的、冒险的 | headline 大字标题

4. 有危险的:hydrogen 氢 | hazardous 有危险的 | hepatitis 肝炎

hazardous 词典解释

1. (尤指对健康或安全)有危险的,有危害的
    Something that is hazardous is dangerous, especially to people's health or safety.

    e.g. They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce...
    e.g. Passive smoking can be hazardous to health.

hazardous 单语例句

1. Methane is another landfill byproduct and a potentially hazardous one that could cause an explosion.

2. The women all quit their jobs after discovering that they had been poisoned by cadmium, an extremely hazardous metal used to make some kinds of batteries.

3. " The mainland side has the necessary preparations to firmly deter any hazardous separatist activity, " said Yang.

4. CCP's highlight steps in the process where food can become hazardous.

5. The hazardous elements in these brands were detected after the Guangdong provincial consumer commission checked hair dye produced by 21 companies early this year.

6. hazardous

6. He stressed that the detection of small DCD residues posed no food safety risk and that the chemical itself is not hazardous to health.

7. Hazardous work is considered as one of the worst forms of child labour.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. Chromium residue is a heavy metal and hazardous waste residue generated in the production of chromium metal and chromium salt.

9. Chromium residue is a hazardous waste generated during the production of chromium metal and chromium salt.

10. hazardous的解释

10. Their earnings from simple labor or even such hazardous work as mining mean a great deal to their families.

hazardous 英英释义



1. involving risk or danger

    e.g. skydiving is a hazardous sport
           extremely risky going out in the tide and fog
           a wild financial scheme

    Synonym: risky wild
