
hay [heɪ]  [he] 








hay 基本解释

名词干草; 少量的钱; 一种乡村舞蹈; 成果,酬报

及物动词把(草)制成干草; 用干草喂


hay 相关词组

1. make hay : 翻晒干草; ;

hay 相关例句


1. Tom has hit the hay.

hay 网络解释


1. 海:因此,海(Hay)医生提出单独吃水果的建议很有道理. 由于水果需要30分钟左右的时间通过胃部,而完全的高蛋白质需要2至3个小时,因此水果作为点心的最佳食用时间是正餐前30分钟,或正餐后至少2个小时之后. 如果吃了太多的蛋白质,

2. 海伊:让他想到了二十世纪重要的荒诞剧场先驱皮蓝德律(Luigi Pirandello)的作品<<亨利四世>>(Henry IV而站在一个东方式的凉亭前,他似乎看到了普挈尼歌剧<<蝴蝶夫人>>中的乔乔桑马上就要撑着小凉伞走出来......海伊(Hay)是威尔士一个美丽的小镇,

3. 海氏:海 氏(Hay)职位分析法 --介绍、实践与评价刘鹏 [email protected] 杭州意锐企业管理顾问有限公司 -今日主题- 海氏分析法简要介绍 海氏分析法三要素 海氏分析法的计算 海氏分析法分析实践 海氏分析法打分练习 关于海氏分析法的两

hay 词典解释

1. (作饲料用的)干草
    Hay is grass which has been cut and dried so that it can be used to feed animals.

    e.g. ...bales of hay.
    e.g. ...traditional hay making methods.

2. hay

2. 趁太阳好晒草;抓紧有利时机;不失良机
    If you say that someone is making hay or is making hay while the sun shines, you mean that they are taking advantage of a situation that is favourable to them while they have the chance to.

    e.g. We knew that war was coming, and were determined to make hay while we could.

hay 单语例句

1. If he's not busy pulling her from certain death on the Eiffel Tower, he's giving up his powers just to roll in the hay with her.

2. The workers had provided feed and hay for the horses three times a day, up until September.

3. There's a page dedicated to church news and another to farming - there you get the going price for alfalfa and hay.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. The other example Huntsman cited was the changing attitude when Utah and other western US states started to export alfalfa hay to China.

5. To protect the saplings from the freezing wind they erected metal supports, wrapped the saplings in hay and thickened the surface layer of soil in the winter.

6. Keep furry pets out of the house during the hay fever season.

7. Persons with eczema often also suffer from allergic conditions like asthma and seasonal hay fever.

8. hay的翻译

8. " We have a number that we are going to get into, " Hay said.

9. I clicked on a couple of sites to watch him sing some folk opera songs and pitch hay on his farm.

10. Food will be simple and beds will be piles of hay under the open sky or on mats inside tents.

hay 英英释义



1. grass mowed and cured for use as fodder


1. convert (plant material) into hay
