have no idea

have no idea[hæv nəu aiˈdiə] 

have no idea 基本解释
have no idea 网络解释

1. 不知道:have a meeting 开会 | have no idea 不知道 | have a rest 休息一下

2. 不清楚:have breakfast 吃早餐 | have no idea 不清楚 | have pity on sb. 怜悯某人

3. 不知道,不了解:have interest in对......感兴趣 | have no idea不知道,不了解 | have sports进行体育运动

4. 没有主意:had better 最好 | have no idea 没有主意 | listen to 听

have no idea 单语例句

1. Police charged the man with public drunkenness and creating a health code violation, but they have no idea why he was in the toilet with his clothes off.

2. Experts on the ground have no idea how it may have broken or when, said NASA spacewalk commentator Josh Byerly.

3. China's Internet companies still have no idea on how to deal with competition, and that is why the vicious war of words continues.

4. When he returned, he told the dispatcher he had no idea who could have done it.

5. I have no idea why elementary education teachers prefer to push children, and refuse to let them develop in their own way and at their own pace.

6. When a child is abducted at a very early age they have no idea about their family and there is no emotional relationship.

7. Whether they are newcomers or " old staff, " they all have no clear idea what Meng is doing.

8. have no idea是什么意思

8. " Frankly speaking I have no idea about my future, " the versatile midfielder told Titan Sports.

9. " Frankly speaking I have no idea about my future, " the versatile midfielder told Monday's Titan Sport.

10. " I have no idea where to go, " said the man who works at a waste paper recycling company in the market.
