have no idea of

have no idea of[hæv nəu aiˈdiə ɔv] 

have no idea of 基本解释


have no idea of 网络解释

have no idea of的意思

1. 对...一点也不知道, 完全不知道:We have no idea of their having done such kind of thing. 我们不知道他们干过这种事情.... | have no idea of 对...一点也不知道, 完全不知道 | People hate being praised for nothing. 人们不喜欢无缘无故的赞扬...

2. 不知道... 一点不知道:have no idea 没谱儿,不知道 | have no idea of 不知道... 一点不知道 | have nothing to do with 与...无关; 风马牛不相及

3. 对...一无所知:be confused 感到困惑 | have no idea of 对...一无所知 | measure distamce in time 用时间测量

4. 不知道:have mercy on sb 同情,怜悯 | have no idea of 不知道 | have no choice/alternative but to do 只好做

have no idea of 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. China's Internet companies still have no idea on how to deal with competition, and that is why the vicious war of words continues.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Snapshots of their smiling faces are posted on websites with urgent appeals for information, alongside pictures of rescued children who have no idea where their parents are.

3. have no idea of的意思

3. This is important because food producers give the scientific names of the additives they use and people have no idea how harmful they are.

4. However, the kids have no idea of past scientific literature in the field.

5. Some have no idea of their legal rights let alone their right to sue.

6. Chinese workers have no realistic idea of how much better their jobs and their lives could be.

7. " I really have no idea about this way of consumption, " he added.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Some 70 per cent of local residents have no idea exactly what light pollution is, according to a survey recently conducted by the Shanghai Health Education Institute.

9. She pointed out that some government officials are even ignorant of AIDS and have no idea how to mobilize efforts to help the children.

10. have no idea of的意思

10. Even teams in the lower half of the lottery have no idea who will be available when it's their turn to pick.
