have a green old age

have a green old age

have a green old age 双语例句

have a green old age

1. It is not only symbolizing the youth, the vigor, like (1) in the green wood in the youth exuberant time, (2) inthe green is full of vigor, (3) a green old age is hale and hearty; Moreover expresses freshly, if (1) green recollectio n has a vivid memory, (2) keep the memorygreen never forgets, (3) a green wound new wound; But it also expressed that weak, does not have the experience, if (1) a green the hand poor hand, (2) as green as grass is weak, (3) a green horn easy to be swindled simple soul; It also symbolizes the envy, if (1) thegreen-eyed the monster envy, (2) green with envy fills the envy, (3) agreen eye envy eye.
    它不仅象征着青春、活力,如(1)in the green wood在青春旺盛的时代,(2)inthe green 血气方刚,(3)a green old age老当益壮;而且表示新鲜,如(1)green recollectio n记忆犹新,(2)keep the memorygreen永远不忘,(3)a green wound新伤口;但是它也表示幼稚、没有经验,如(1)a green hand生手,(2)as green as grass幼稚,(3)a green horn容易上当的糊涂虫;它也象征妒忌,如(1) thegreen-eyed monster妒忌,(2)green with envy充满妒嫉,(3)agreen eye 妒嫉的眼睛。
