
hashish [ˈhæʃi:ʃ]  ['hæʃi:ʃ] 

hashish 基本解释


hashish 网络解释


1. 大麻:较之作为一种毒品,大麻(hashish)对他的重要性,更在于它是一个阐释的对象--就像他读过的书和漫步过的路--就像生活本身. 一个作家,如果拥有本雅明的兴趣和忠诚,他与大麻的邂逅就不可避免. 令人惊讶的是本雅明直到三十五岁才第一次尝试大麻.

2. 印度大麻脂:警方称一名便衣警察调查这家位于Rexdale地区的餐厅时买到了大麻. 多伦多反毒组在1月21日对这家餐厅进行了搜查. 调查员表示餐厅老板公然向顾客出售大麻. 餐厅内发现大麻、印度大麻脂(hashish)和迷幻药,市价约11,500元.

3. 制剂:但人们却没怎么注意,聪明的农民转向了另一种非法种植:Cannabis. 这种植物叫大麻,可以提炼大麻烟(marijuana)和大麻麻醉剂或制剂(hashish). 根据联合国的报告,今年阿富汗大麻种植面积从去年5万多公顷增加到了7万多公顷.

hashish 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 大麻麻醉剂,哈希什(一种毒品)
    Hashish is an illegal drug made from the hemp plant which some people smoke like a cigarette to make them feel relaxed.

hashish 单语例句

1. hashish

1. The court said hashish and cocaine were found at his home, along with scales and a mixer used to prepare the drugs for sale.

2. In a separate operation in the southern province of Adana, gendarmerie squads confiscated 25 kg of hashish.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. They told police that they had transported the hashish for a person named Ma Zhizhong in China.

hashish 英英释义



1. purified resinous extract of the hemp plant
    used as a hallucinogen

    Synonym: hasheesh haschisch hash
