






harms 基本解释
损害,危害,伤害( harm的名词复数 );受到损害,伤害( harm的第三人称单数 );
harms 网络解释


1. 哈姆斯:這位母親認為她們太年輕而還不能交男朋友,哈姆斯(harms)家的伊迪絲(Edith)和阿黛勒 (Adele)最初和這位瀟灑有趣的鄰居之間的接觸只有過街時揮手致意和透過跑腿的男孩傳遞的短箋.

2. (男)哈姆斯:Haringer 哈林格尔 | Harms (男)哈姆斯 | Harnack 哈纳克

harms 单语例句

1. Pollution harms not only the respiratory system but also the cardiovascular, cerebral vascular and nerve systems.

2. Listing the temples on the stock exchanges harms the legal rights and damages the image of the religious community.

3. But taking antibiotics also harms intestinal bacteria and can lead to diarrhoea in some people.

4. Excessive lead harms the human digestive system, disturbs the blood system and damages the nerve system in serious cases.

5. This harms the health of rural as well as urban residents, and goes against the grain of sustainable development.

6. If the trend of extravagance and consumption of luxuries continues to grow, the social harms caused by excessive packaging would shackle the country's cultural development.

7. Harms could not confirm reports the accused had been targeting Frankfurt international airport and a major US military base in Ramstein.

8. Currently, the corruption of some officials gravely harms the CPC's reputation.

9. Li hit the road on his motorized tricycle to educate others about harms of the " spiritual opium ".

10. harms

10. Environmental degradation in Asia not only harms its population's health, but will become an impediment to growth.
