
harmonize [ˈhɑ:mənaɪz]  [ˈhɑ:rmənaɪz] 






harmonize 基本解释


及物动词使和谐; 为(旋律)配和声

不及物动词和谐; 以和声演奏或歌唱

harmonize 相关例句


1. The colors in the room harmonized.

2. The singers began to harmonize the new song.

3. The singing teacher taught them to harmonize the new song.


1. The colors in the room harmonized.

2. The colors of your coat, hat and muffler should harmonize.

harmonize 网络解释


1. 調和:改善矛盾婚姻需要调和(harmonize)与协作(cooperation). 矛盾夫妻之间倘若只有一方愿意自省,又能够漠视对方的挑战,矛盾情况就不能继续. 咨询师的责任是设计有效、有针对性的夫妻体验练习,协调沟通模式,

2. 调:其他的联系是正式的,却是自愿的:试图让一些、许多或所有国家自愿签署一个条约或自愿协调(harmonize)法律制度. 还有许多非正式的途径把不同法律制度联结在一起. 一种途径是通过跨国法律机构(law firms另一种是通过发展解决争端的国际体系--仲裁和调解.

3. (使)和谐,校音:Harmonic Generator 谐波发生器 | Harmonize (使)和谐,校音 | Harmony 和谐

harmonize 词典解释
in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 harmonise

1. (与…)融洽,和谐,与…协调一致
    If two or more things harmonize with each other, they fit in well with each other.

    e.g. ...slabs of pink and beige stone that harmonize with the carpet...
    e.g. Barbara White and her mother like to listen to music together, though their tastes don't harmonize.

2. 使(法律、制度或规则)协调;使统一
    When governments or organizations harmonize laws, systems, or regulations, they agree in a friendly way to make them the same or similar.

    e.g. How far will members have progressed towards harmonising their economies?

Air France pilots called a strike over the European harmonisation of their working hours.
...fiscal harmonization.

3. 用和声唱(或演奏);为(主调)配和声
    When people harmonize, they sing or play notes which are different from the main tune but which sound nice with it.

    e.g. Bremer and Garland harmonize on the title song, 'Meet Me in St. Louis'.

harmonize 单语例句

1. Industry heavyweight New York Mercantile Exchange also is pushing the CFTC to harmonize the rules that govern it and one rival in particular.

2. harmonize在线翻译

2. What you need are wines that harmonize with and complement the flavours - rather than fighting them by looking to the sauce.

3. The interior of each car has been designed to complement the exterior paint, with bold colors that harmonize with the exterior paint.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Hear these gentlemen harmonize and you'll convert to an instant fan.

5. Thanks to Chen's diligence, the five performers agreed to harmonize.

6. The fundamental aspiration is to harmonize economic, ecologic and social goals.

7. It took centuries to synchronize machine and man, to integrate man to mankind and to harmonize mankind with mother nature.

8. The two were speaking in Bamako during the opening of a conference to harmonize the operational concept of the international force for Mali.

9. harmonize

9. The two of them just sat in this Houhai club listening to Justin Timberlake's latest record which Michael would occasionally harmonize with.

10. harmonize在线翻译

10. Experts have called for China to use the weekend's ASEAN summits to balance and harmonize trade relations and maximise the benefits of economic cooperation.

harmonize 英英释义


1. bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing

    Synonym: harmonise chord

2. harmonize

2. bring into consonance or accord

    e.g. harmonize one's goals with one's abilities

    Synonym: harmonise reconcile

3. bring (several things) into consonance or relate harmoniously

    e.g. harmonize the different interests

    Synonym: harmonise

4. sing or play in harmony

    Synonym: harmonise

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. write a harmony for

    Synonym: harmonise

6. go together

    e.g. The colors don't harmonize
           Their ideas concorded

    Synonym: harmonise consort accord concord fit in agree
