
harm [hɑ:m]  [hɑ:rm] 








harm 基本解释


名词危害; 伤害; 损害

及物动词危害; 伤害; 损害

harm 同义词

动词damage wrong impair hurt injure

名词damage hurt injury

harm 反义词

名词benefit repair profit

harm 相关词组

1. out of harm's way : 在安全地带;

2. come to harm : 遭不幸;

harm 相关例句



1. Will this cleaning fluid harm the furniture?

2. It will harm no one at all.

3. Our dog won't harm you.


1. Harm set, harm get.

2. Did the storm do any harm to the corn?

3. The drought did a lot of harm to the crops.

harm 网络解释

1. harm:high – speed anti – radiation missile; 高速反辐射导弹

harm 词典解释

1. (通常为故意地)伤害,危害
    To harm a person or animal means to cause them physical injury, usually on purpose.

    e.g. The hijackers seemed anxious not to harm anyone.

2. (通常为故意的)伤害,危害
    Harm is physical injury to a person or an animal which is usually caused on purpose.

    e.g. All dogs are capable of doing harm to human beings.

3. 破坏;损害;对…产生不利影响
    To harm a thing, or sometimes a person, means to damage them or make them less effective or successful than they were.

    e.g. ...a warning that the product may harm the environment...
    e.g. Low-priced imports will harm the industry.

4. (某一行为造成的)损害,危害
    Harm is the damage to something which is caused by a particular course of action.

    e.g. The abuse of your powers does harm to all other officers who do their job properly...
    e.g. To cut taxes would probably do the economy more harm than good.

5. 不会受损害;不会受到伤害;会安然无恙
    If you say that someone or something will come to no harm or that no harm will come to them, you mean that they will not be hurt or damaged in any way.

    e.g. There is always a lifeguard to ensure that no one comes to any harm...
    e.g. 'Go back and make sure that no harm comes to him,' he said quietly.

6. 也许值得(做某事);不妨(做某事)
    If you say it does no harm to do something or there is no harm in doing something, you mean that it might be worth doing, and you will not be blamed for doing it.

    e.g. They are not always willing to take on untrained workers, but there's no harm in asking.

7. (做某事)没有坏处,有益;不妨(做某事)
    If you say that something would do no harm, or do someone no harm, you are recommending a course of action which you think is worthwhile, helpful, or useful.

    e.g. It would do her no harm to try them until we found the one which suited her best.

8. 没有产生危害;没有人受到伤害
    If you say that there is no harm done, you are telling someone not to worry about something that has happened because it has not caused any serious injury or damage.

    e.g. There, now, you're all right. No harm done.

9. 处于危险中
    If someone is put in harm's way, they are caused to be in a dangerous situation.

    e.g. These men were never told how they'd been put in harm's way...
    e.g. They could be in harm's way if military action becomes necessary.

10. harm的反义词

10. 在安全的地方;没有危险
    If someone or something is out of harm's way, they are in a safe place away from danger or from the possibility of being damaged.

    e.g. For parents, it is an easy way of keeping their children entertained, or simply out of harm's way...
    e.g. Workers scrambled to carry priceless objects out of harm's way.

harm 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Others said the carpool practice might harm taxi drivers'business and reduce tax income for the government.

2. harm

2. But what's the harm in rescuing an animal if nothing else is going on?

3. Cadmium that is ingested accumulates for years, potentially causing serious harm to the kidneys and bones.

4. harm的近义词

4. Soon after the caller received phone calls threatening exposure or harm if they didn't pay thousands of dollars for tickets to a nightclub.

5. Howard has also brushed off concerns that the defense pact would harm Canberra's flourishing ties with Beijing.

6. In ancient times going out after dark was actively discouraged in order to instill temperate habits in the populace and keep them from harm.

7. Police stormed the house after the man threatened to harm himself and used capsicum spray to control him.

8. harm是什么意思

8. Doctors of the hospital said Li was not given the drug for treating ankylosing spondylitis as infliximab could harm or even kill a tuberculosis carrier.

9. The alarming loopholes we have witnessed in this incident must be plugged immediately so that such potential does not translate into actual harm.

10. Zhang also called for more caution while taking economic and financial measures, in case such measures could harm normal financial activities.

harm 英英释义


1. harm的近义词

1. the act of damaging something or someone

    Synonym: damage hurt scathe

2. the occurrence of a change for the worse

    Synonym: damage impairment

3. harm的翻译

3. any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.

    Synonym: injury hurt trauma


1. harm

1. cause or do harm to

    e.g. These pills won't harm your system
