harm other

harm other

harm other 单语例句

1. harm other

1. One is the actual harm from the alleged dumping charge and the other is the actual link between dumping and a country's related industries.

2. Murayama said that Japan's colonial rule and aggression caused tremendous suffering and harm to residents of other Asian countries.

3. harm other什么意思

3. China's most famous cultural relic has also come under other harm.

4. The payments can be challenged if they fail to meet the guidelines and are found to unfairly harm competitor industries in other countries.

5. The local government said it introduced the rule because pets may cause harm to other park visitors and their faeces pollute the environment.

6. Foster family members should not suffer from mental illness and other diseases that may harm the child.

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7. It urged all parties to strictly abide by the Geneva Convention and other international treaties and to minimize harm and misery.

8. Researchers are finding evidence that even extremely diluted concentrations of pharmaceutical residues harm fish, frogs and other aquatic species in the wild.

9. The ministry said they had been immediately released after pledging not to repeat acts that might harm the country and other citizens.

10. He said although not all protein additives may result in harm to animals or people, unregulated usage of such materials could lead to other problems.
