
hanging [ˈhæŋɪŋ]  [ˈhæŋɪŋ] 


hanging 基本解释


名词绞刑; 绞死; (墙上装饰用的)帘子; 帷幔

形容词应处以死刑的; 量刑偏重的

动词悬( hang的现在分词 ); (被)绞死; 贴; 逗留

hanging 相关例句


1. There have been no hangings in that country for many years.

2. Are you in favor of hanging?

hanging 网络解释


1. 悬吊:「空中花园其实就是阶梯式花园,我的花园可是真正悬吊(hanging)在建筑物外. 」

2. 顶端对齐,悬挂:handling 处理(技术,方法) | hanging 顶端对齐,悬挂 | hardener 固化剂,硬化剂

3. 吊死:handwriting examination 笔迹检验 | hanging 吊死 | head injury 头部损伤/颅脑损伤

hanging 词典解释

1. (作装饰的)壁挂,墙幔,帷幔
    A hanging is a large piece of cloth that you put as a decoration on a wall.

    e.g. ...a giant antique embroidered hanging.

hanging 单语例句

1. By day you can spot the prostitutes hanging around the restaurants, often wearing skimpy clothes that would be unimaginable for any Afghan woman.

2. But then he had to protect his summer lettuce from the heat of the sun by hanging a piece of cloth to provide shade.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. She knows the camp doesn't involve hanging out with friends or joining activities that interest her.

4. Singapore applies capital punishment by hanging for offenses such as drug trafficking and unlawful use of a firearm.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. He enjoyed hanging out on the street all day with his Tibetan friends, picking up small carpentry jobs now and then.

6. hanging是什么意思

6. The room is made like a bus carriage and visitors can hold a handle hanging down from the roof when the simulated quake begins.

7. One of the highlights of the event is Meng's Murder Case of the Hanging Garden.

8. It was like being in a crystal castle with high and peaked ceilings, where a splendid pendant lamp was hanging.

9. The " hanging coffin " is still hanging out of the cave.

10. hanging什么意思

10. On the fourth floor you hear religious music and find yourself standing under two enormous tusks hanging high from the ceiling of the fifth floor.

hanging 英英释义


1. the act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely)

    e.g. there was a small ceremony for the hanging of the portrait

    Synonym: suspension dangling

2. a form of capital punishment
    victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead

    e.g. in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment

3. decoration that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window

    e.g. the cold castle walls were covered with hangings

    Synonym: wall hanging
