
handlers ['hændləz]  ['hændləz] 


handlers 基本解释
操作者;经理人;操作者,陶器工人,经理人;驯化者( handler的名词复数 );经营商;
handlers 网络解释


1. 操作者:handler 经理人 | handlers 操作者 | handless 赤手空拳的

2. 陶器工人:handlerhandlers 经理人 | handlers 陶器工人 | handless 无手

3. 操作者/陶器工人/经理人:handler /处理的人/教练/经理人/ | handlers /操作者/陶器工人/经理人/ | handles /操纵/掌握/

4. 操作者;经纪人:¨ imitation: 模仿. | ¨ handlers: 操作者;经纪人. | ¨ loath: 不情愿的.

handlers 单语例句

1. handlers是什么意思

1. Kern said the most horrific case involved military canine handlers using their dogs to try to frighten two Iraqi adolescents into involuntarily fouling themselves.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Handlers from the circus were able to calm it down, and Olson cleaned the leg wound and gave it some pain killer.

3. handlers的翻译

3. Treatment of livestock and farm animals often reveals some of the worst tendencies by handlers in terms of cruelty to animals.

4. handlers的翻译

4. Armstrong and his handlers spent most of the remaining 45 minutes with reporters criticizing WADA chief Dick Pound.

5. His handlers are slowly introducing him to the exhibit enclosure where he's expected to go on public view within the next couple months.

6. The San Diego informant has said he did not find the men suspicious and never told his FBI handlers their full names.

7. One of the officials said the group also includes two Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal technicians, two Marine dog handlers and an Air Force airman.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. A team of 30 sniffer dogs and their handlers began prowling the mass transit system on the lookout for dangerous substances.

9. handlers的近义词

9. Police and dog handlers have been drafted in to patrol the perimeter fence and the number of security guards has been trebled.

10. handlers是什么意思

10. Bull semen is commonly obtained using a rubber device known as an artificial vagina which is put in place manually by two handlers.
