
handlebars ['hændlbɑ:z]  ['hændəlbɑ:z] 


handlebars 基本解释
把手;手把,八字胡( handlebar的名词复数 );
handlebars 网络解释

1. 车把:而车把(HANDLEBARS)较一般的大,车座则较街道/公园赛所用的车较高. 设计主要令U型管单车在凌空或高速时较为稳定. 公园赛用的单车有两个或四个栓,而车把及车座则较低及短. 车把更会扭向. 1.可以有前轮或后轮制动,视乎车手喜好,

2. 把手:words for parts of a bicycle(自行车零件) | handlebars 把手 | bell铃

3. 把横:Stem 把立 | Handlebars 把横 | Front brake 前刹

4. 把手 (名):handlebar 手把, 八字胡 (名) | handlebars 把手 (名) | handless 无手的; 笨手笨脚的 (形)

handlebars 单语例句

1. His hands were on the handlebars and it looked as though he was cutting the wind as he sped down the highway.

2. At one point he went over the handlebars, landing flat on his back.

3. Wu installed fans on the handlebars and on the back of the bicycle.

4. handlebars

4. More cyclists on the road means more congestion, and " bicycle rage " often flies across the handlebars.

5. handlebars的反义词

5. Bush straightens out his handlebars, throws a leg over the bike and keeps rolling.

6. Outbreaks can be caused by a badly positioned keyboard or poorly installed bicycle handlebars.

7. Some fans ran alongside the bicycles, waving flags that came close to catching handlebars or wheels.

8. The black bike has a low seat and short handlebars, with disc brakes and a huge mudguard over the rear wheel and a sizeable engine.
