hand over to

hand over to

hand over to 单语例句

1. hand over to

1. He also urged local railway bureaux to hand their passenger transport business over to independent railway companies by the end of the year.

2. Buyers need to hand over their ID cards and driving licenses, while their details and those of sellers will also be recorded in the dealer's computer.

3. Farmers were having to harvest crops which fell over in the storms by hand, then reseeding fields.

4. The Quartet did not call on the Palestinian Government to explicitly meet the three conditions, and also urged Israel to hand over withheld Palestinian tax revenues.

5. A committee of property owners will hand the signatures over to relevant departments to persuade them to cease construction of the project in the district.

6. The police force and new army are central to Washington's plan to hand over power to Iraqis by June 30.

7. Many tribal forces support the government's move to clear the area of foreign militants, but some have defied orders to hand over suspects.

8. Artistic types looking to linger over a meal or cup of coffee with a book in hand would be at home at Art Sphere.

9. As Obama seeks to pull out combat troops over the next three years, the government's hand may weaken further.

10. The babies'mothers were promised large sums of money to come to France, give birth and hand their babies over to other couples.
