hand back

hand back [hænd bæk]  [hænd bæk] 

hand back 基本解释
hand back 网络解释

hand back什么意思

1. 归还:hand and thigh [废][律]死后没有儿子, 由女儿继承的产业 | hand back 归还 | hand in 交; 提交(辞职申请书)

2. 退还:hand and foot 完全 | hand back 退还 | hand baggage 手提行李

3. (车身)舱背(式):hand-actuated 人工的,手操纵的 | hand back (车身)舱背(式) | handbook 手册,指南,说明书

4. 交还:Who can answer the question? Please hands up.谁能会答这个问题?请举手. | hand back交还 | Please hand back my book as soon as possible. 请尽快交还我的书.

hand back 单语例句

1. hand back是什么意思

1. A powerful left hand to the jaw sent Hatton to the canvas unconscious and on his back when referee Kenny Bayless ended the fight.

2. When he was ready to hand her back the spare change, she asked him to return the notes and replaced them with two other counterfeit notes.

3. The boy had to be rushed to a nearby hospital where doctors performed an emergency operation to stitch back his left hand.

4. The suspect hid his left hand behind his back and slowly slid his body down the seat until almost lying flat.

5. TRIPOLI - Libyan rebels Tuesday called on the Algerian government to hand back Libyan strongman Muammar Gadhafi's wife and three children.

6. The rumoured couple were then spotted hanging out on Justin's tour bus and he was pictured gently resting his hand on her back.

7. hand back

7. To help you get to know the city like the back of your hand we have compiled list of 20 places to go in Shanghai.

8. hand back

8. He straightened his back to watch it track toward the hole, guiding it with his hand as it got close.

9. Sienna Miller is rumoured to be back in the arms of Balthazar Getty after the pair were reportedly seen walking hand in hand.

10. When Tang reached out her hand in an attempt to pull Hou back, the two were dragged under the train's wheels and were killed instantly.
