half fare

half fare [hɑ:f fɛə]  [hæf fɛr] 

half fare 基本解释

half fare的解释


half fare 网络解释

half fare

1. 客票:490. 渡船费 ferriage | 491. 客票 half fare | 492. 半费 half fare

2. 半费:491. 客票 half fare | 492. 半费 half fare | 493. 偷渡 stowaway

3. 半票:6.the information office 问讯处 | 7.half fare 半票 | full fare 全票

4. 半价:半加工 semi-processed | 半价 half fare | 半年决算 half-yearly closing

half fare 单语例句

1. Passengers will pay the standard economy fare for two seats and receive the middle seat for about half price.
