
hackneyed [ˈhæknid]  [ˈhæknid] 

hackneyed 基本解释


形容词滥; (词语、引语等)使用过于频繁的,陈腐的,老一套的

hackneyed 网络解释


1. 陈腐的:hackney 乘用马 | hackneyed 陈腐的 | hacksaw 钢锯

2. 不新奇的/常见的/陈腐的:hackmatack /落叶松之一种/ | hackneyed /不新奇的/常见的/陈腐的/ | hacksaw /可锯金属的弓形锯/钢锯/

3. 不新奇的:hackney 酷使 | hackneyed 不新奇的 | hackneyed 常见的

4. 常见的:hackneyed 不新奇的 | hackneyed 常见的 | hacksaw 钢锯

hackneyed 词典解释

1. (语句、画面等)陈腐的,陈词滥调的
    If you describe something such as a saying or an image as hackneyed, you think it is no longer likely to interest, amuse or affect people because it has been used, seen, or heard many times before.

    e.g. Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.
    e.g. ...hackneyed postcard snaps of lochs and glens.

hackneyed 单语例句

1. Wonder what the Greek words are for corny, hackneyed and flat.

2. Gunn has written some awfully hackneyed small town hick characters with little attention to detail, and fed them lines mostly consisting of cursing in progressively more unimaginative ways.

hackneyed 英英释义


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1. repeated too often
    overfamiliar through overuse

    e.g. bromidic sermons
           his remarks were trite and commonplace
           hackneyed phrases
           a stock answer
           repeating threadbare jokes
           parroting some timeworn axiom
           the trite metaphor `hard as nails'

    Synonym: banal commonplace old-hat shopworn stock(a) threadbare timeworn tired trite well-worn
