
gunning ['gʌnɪŋ]  ['gʌnɪŋ] 







gunning 基本解释


gunning 网络解释

1. 喷补:喷补耐火料 gunite | 喷补 gunning | 石膏 gypsum

2. 射补[法]:guidetube 导管 | guilletequivalent 超利氏当量黄铜锌当量 | gunning 射补法

3. 射击:gunnery 重炮 | gunning 射击 | gunny bag 麻布袋

4. 喷压红丹密缝法:gunning putty 压注油灰 | gunning 喷压红丹密缝法 | gunning 喷压密缝法

gunning 单语例句

1. Even the state's feral hogs are hiding from the heat, postponing a new reality TV show about Texans gunning them down from helicopters.

2. " I was gunning for the first prize, " claimed the boy.

3. The shooter killed three men at the house in the northern suburb of Winnetka before gunning down a policeman and seriously wounding another.

4. England captain David Beckham says his men are gunning for a revenge victory over holders Brazil at the World Cup.

5. The 2005 Wimbledon women's doubles champions will be gunning for their second Grand Slam title in two years in Melbourne.

6. She has lived in Shanghai for roughly one year and is gunning for glory with her Shanghainese friend AJ Chen.


7. China's top gold medal potential will be supported by Guo Shuang, who's also gunning for a gold medal in the women's sprint.

8. He exacted his revenge by gunning him down in their NASA offices on Friday.

9. The same group had claimed responsibility for gunning down three young Jewish settlers on a road near the West Bank city of Bethlehem last week.

10. China's coach Chen admitted that setting has become the Achilles'heel of the defending champion, which is gunning for a medal in Beijing.
