
gunfight [ˈgʌnfaɪt]  [ˈɡʌnˌfaɪt] 


gunfight 基本解释

名词& 不及物动词(两人之间的)用枪格斗

gunfight 网络解释

1. 枪战:gundog 猎犬 | gunfight 枪战 | gunfignt 枪战

2. 枪战 (名):guncotton 强棉药, 棉火药 (名) | gunfight 枪战 (名) | gunfighter 枪战高手 (名)

gunfight 词典解释

1. 枪战;炮战
    A gunfight is a fight between people using guns.

Eastwood plays retired gunfighter Will Munny.
gunfight 单语例句

1. The capital of Bissau was calm and traffic flowed normally yesterday despite the overnight gunfight at the palace that led to president's death.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. There is also the threat that an accident or gunfight could lead to a leak that would devastate thousands of miles of ocean or coastline.

3. Police who went to collect the man's body also came under attack, prompting a gunfight that left three police and three of the attackers injured.

4. Five foreign consulate employees and four attackers died in the ensuing gunfight between militants and Saudi security forces.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. He said a gunfight followed, and several of his friends were wounded.

6. gunfight

6. Indian army spokesman said the gunfight broke out after contingents of army and police cordoned the area on specific intelligence inputs suggesting presence of militants.

7. The shooting came just days after rebels shot dead a school guard and lost one of their own in a gunfight on Tuesday.

8. A police investigation identified Xie as the robber and he was tracked to the boat where he was shot in a gunfight.

9. gunfight

9. One of his companions was shot dead 15 years ago in a gunfight with over a dozen armed poachers.

10. An explosion at a polling center and a gunfight with insurgents interrupted voting in eastern Kabul.

gunfight 英英释义



1. gunfight的意思

1. a fight involving shooting small arms with the intent to kill or frighten

    Synonym: gunplay shootout
