gun for

gun for [ɡʌn fɔ:]  [ɡʌn fɔr] 

gun for 基本解释

gun for的解释

搜寻(某人); 伺机加害(某人); 追求; 竭力谋求

gun for 网络解释


1. 捕杀:gumwood 产胶树 | gun for 捕杀 | gun room 军械库

2. 持枪搜索(捕杀):gun down [口]枪杀(手无寸铁者) | gun for 持枪搜索(捕杀) | gun for gun [航海]交换同样数目的礼炮

3. 伺机伤害;极力争取:His father was gunned down by the robber. 他父亲惨遭歹徒的枪杀. | gun for伺机伤害;极力争取: | Marlin is gunning for the fellow who informed on him. 马林寻找机会报复告发他的人.

4. 瞄准,捕杀:Don't mess with me 别招惹我,别和我胡搞 | gun for 瞄准,捕杀 | figurines 小雕像

gun for 词典解释

1. 伺机伤害;找…的麻烦
    If someone is gunning for you, they are trying to find a way to harm you or cause you trouble.

    e.g. You knew that they were gunning for you, but did you ever imagine that it would be as bad as this?

gun for 单语例句

1. The duo's career was derailed when Butler was jailed for three years in 2002 on gun charges.

2. gun for的翻译

2. The man told deputies that two people had threatened him with a gun, told him to commit the robbery and were going to take the money for themselves.

3. Weapons fanciers among US bloggers and commentators are raising a hue and cry against using the Virginia episode as another argument for gun control.

4. gun for的反义词

4. Calls for more stringent gun control intensified last month when the Nagasaki mayor was shot and killed by an organized crime boss.

5. A lawyer said the crook will be charged for gun robbery in accordance with the law even though his weapon was fake.

6. gun for

6. No data was available for gun purchases this week, but gun shops from suburban Virginia to the Rockies report record sales since Tuesday's election.

7. But for a start pass legislations and declare a moratorium on gun ownership and close all gunsmiths and STRICTLY control the sale of BULLETS.

8. " We've been advocating waiting periods and denial of gun ownership for unstable people for years, " he said.

9. gun for什么意思

9. He said Khan did not disengage the safety catch of his gun, a step necessary for firing.

10. Every time a tragedy occurs, there are renewed appeals for gun regulation.
