
guidon ['gaɪdən]  ['gaɪdən] 

guidon 基本解释



guidon 网络解释


1. 队旗:guidepost 路标 | guidon 队旗 | Guild Socialism 基尔特社会主义

2. 三角旗的旗手:guideway 导向槽 | guidon 三角旗的旗手 | guildconsortiumverein 公会

3. 三角旗/小旗/三角旗的旗手:guideway /导沟/导向槽/ | guidon /三角旗/小旗/三角旗的旗手/ | guilder /基尔德/基尔德银币/旧荷兰/

guidon 双语例句

1. Guidon defends her findings and even comes up with a new idea of how the early settlers got to America-they may have traveled directly from Asia to South America in boats.


2. The guidon flags flutter gayly in the wind.

3. Think up one name for your team, tailor the guidon and song of your team, bring forward one catchword

4. Archeologist Niede Guidon found cave paintings dating back 12, 000years.
    考古学家Niede Guidon 发现了12000年前的岩画。


5. The people attending this activity were all the core leaguers from circulate center, learning communion department, devise department of MSTC and some brother corporates. The members first tailored the song, the guidon and the catchwords of their team, then brought forth their construct achievement. In the following 3 activities, they showed their forces and comitys to us. This activity finished in triumphal hurrah.

6. Zhang Ding: The Guidon to Raise the Spirit of Chinese Art
