
guards ['gɑrd]  ['gɑrd] 






guards 基本解释
卫兵( guard的名词复数 );警戒;警卫队;防护装置;保护,控制( guard的第三人称单数 );
guards 网络解释

1. 后卫:...他们分别是两名前锋(forwards),两名后卫(guards)和一名中锋(center). ...把戒指交给守卫(guards)就可以面见国王了. 然后在西边草丛里捡起半把剪刀(Shear),...

2. 警卫:船上有一把灭音枪及一只匕首,目的要到地图上黄点的另外一艘船(ship)上偷飞机,接近之后要下水游过去船的后门,这样才能避免被警卫看到,接著要偷一架军用喷射机(),要先去控制室(control room)关掉SAM sites,尽量不要惊动警卫(guards).

3. 卫兵:当然,还要懂得建造以下的三种建筑物:(二)了望塔(watchtowers):派出卫兵(guards)来保护城市,防止动乱的发生. (三)音乐学校 (music school):训练音乐家(musician)前往市场,给人们提供娱乐. 陶瓷的生产,加上这三座建筑物,

4. 守卫:向前到上层平台,遇到假冒的邓肯(Duncan)对话结束后你要杀掉邓肯和另外两个守卫(guards). 打败他们的方法取决于你的角色种类,还是比较容易取胜的. 别担心,你很快就会知道在枯萎国度中打败敌人的其他方法.

guards 单语例句

1. He was caught by security guards right after he used a stone to break the glass door to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

2. The Shangrao Concentration Camp was surrounded by high walls and wire netting, with densely distributed lookout posts and stern guards.

3. Some of the guards would call Chan after prospective clients left their employers'developments.

4. Outside the Communications Ministry, guards in camouflage dozed on rusty cots and kept watch over rocket launchers.

5. A Russian prosecutor yesterday said the country's border guards repeatedly fired on and sank the fleeing Chinese cargo vessel off Russia's coast on Sunday.

6. The NATO military carried out over a dozen attacks against " barracks of the people's guards, " who are volunteer units supporting the government forces.

7. The rail transport public security department has increased the number of security guards at stations to carry out checks on passengers.

8. The actress was barred from entering the bash by five security guards - reportedly hired by Samantha's family to keep her away.

9. He says that when mutual respect was restored, guards and inmates were finally able to casually talk face to face.

10. After shouting and gesticulating, they were wrestled away by parliamentary guards in ceremonial black suits.
