ground water

ground water [ɡraund ˈwɔ:tə]  [ɡraʊnd ˈwɔtɚ] 

ground water 基本解释

名词地下水,基础; 潜水

ground water 网络解释


1. 地下水:地下水(ground water)存在于地壳岩石裂缝或土壤空隙中的水. 根据地下埋藏条件的不同,地下水可分为上层滞水、潜水和自流水三大类. 上层滞水是由于局部的隔水作用,使下渗的大气降水停留在浅层的岩石裂缝或沉积层中所形成的蓄水体.

2. 地下水 地下水:地下水 地下水(ground water)存在于地壳岩石裂缝或土壤空隙中的水. 广泛埋藏于地表以下的各种状态的水,统称为地下水. 大气降水是地下水的主要来源. 根据地下埋藏条件的不同,地下水可分为上层滞水、潜水和自流水三大类.

3. 工程地质及勘察潜水:2. 工程地质及勘察浅成岩hypabyssal rock | 2. 工程地质及勘察潜水ground water | 2. 工程地质及勘察侵入岩intrusive rock

4. 地下水; 潜水:ground station 地面站 | ground water 地下水; 潜水 | ground weather radar station 地面天气雷达站

ground water 单语例句

1. ground water在线翻译

1. Environmentalists and NGOs said this would prevent natural water circulation and cut off the replenishment of ground water.

2. This is caused by the unrestricted consumption of ground water by Siem Reap's hotels, whose enormous demand is destabilising the earth beneath the Angkor complex.

3. Even if it will considerably ease the water shortage, it will not stop the region using its ground water given its rapid urbanization.

4. Shandong Province has raised charges on water consumption, withthe price of ground water being higher than the surface water.

5. It's not clear if any of the contaminated water has run into the ground.


6. Geological data shows that the water source for the lake is mainly ground water.

7. Covering the lake bed with the membrane will prevent water from seeping into the ground, thus disturbing the underground ecological system in Beijing.

8. The problem is that the more water it pumps out from the ground, the faster the water table recedes and the drier the city becomes.

9. ground water的近义词

9. Another method is to excavate deep wells and treat ground water to make it potable.

10. ground water的意思

10. But at the time officials there warned only of air and ground contamination, not water pollution.

ground water 英英释义


1. underground water that is held in the soil and in pervious rocks

    Synonym: spring water well water
