
grifter [ˈgrɪftə(r)] [ˈɡriftə] 

grifter 基本解释



grifter 网络解释

1. 骗子:找了几个才华横溢的贼一起除暴安良的故事,听起来很邪乎,看着更邪乎,有点<<十一罗汉>>和英剧<>的味道. 几个贼各人有各人的高招,概括起来计有:黑客(HACKER)一头,打手(HITTER)一头,飞贼(THIEF)一头,骗子(GRIFTER)一...

2. 迷幻淺紫帶細碎銀色亮片:Polyester Bride - 銀白色中帶金銀雙色亮片 | Grifter - 迷幻淺紫帶細碎銀色亮片 | Sin - 香檳金

3. 骗子,赌棍,小偷:drifter 流浪者 | grifter 骗子,赌棍,小偷 | crofter小农场的佃户

4. 骗子 (名):grift 诈骗; 诈骗来的钱财 (名) | grifter 骗子 (名) | grill 烤架; 烤肉; 铁格子 (名)

grifter 双语例句

1. Under this circumstance, the grifter will raise a threat to the children`s safety.


2. You want to be a grifter?

3. Well, that doesn't tell me why you wanna be a grifter.


4. Before becoming a grifter, Albert used to be a shoe salesman in the American Mid-West.

5. Under this circumstance, the grifter will raise a threat to the children's safety.


6. A [w] veteran [/ w] of the long con, and a respected grifter of the old-school generation, Albert's job in the team is to pick the right targets (" rope the mark ") for his con colleagues.


7. A well-crafted grifter tale with heart.


8. I`m officially grifter now.

9. Any grifter would be intrigued to learn more about the legendary J.


10. The group is rounded off by Danny, a young amateur grifter who Mickey takes under his wing

11. The group is rounded off by Danny, a young amateur grifter who Mickey takes under his wing.

12. Where you learned the big con from an old-school grifter named the Diamond Dog.

13. Always the consummate grifter, he had one more trick up his sleeve.


14. He's got the spirit and energy to be a great grifter-now he wants the wisdom that comes with experience.

15. A [ w ] veteran [ / w ] of the long con, and a respected grifter of the old-school generation, Albert's job in the team is to pick the right targets (" rope the mark ") for his con colleagues.

grifter 单语例句

1. Each is an escalating flirtation between an unsuspecting man and a Russian grifter masquerading as a young woman.

grifter 英英释义


1. a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud

    Synonym: swindler defrauder chiseller chiseler gouger scammer
