
grievance [ˈgri:vəns]  [ˈɡrivəns] 


grievance 基本解释


名词委屈; 不满; 苦衷; 牢骚

grievance 相关例句



1. The trade union leader spoke about the grievances of the workers.

2. A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances.

grievance 网络解释


1. 抱怨:(五)申诉程序应与徵戒(disciplinary)及抱怨(grievance)程序有所四、评鉴人 (一)小学:由法国国家教育总督学处(IGEN)负责*澳洲教育协会(AEU)之参与

2. 申诉:更确切地说,法院的裁决须回应当事人的申诉(grievance)及对方当事人的抗辩;各方当事人必须拥有一个公平的接受听审的机会;每一方当事人必须有权在法庭陈词(have his day in court).

3. 冤情:因为有冤情(grievance)而满怀悲痛(grief)向申诉人(brievant)申诉. C意为:NBAC被授权控制克隆技术的滥用. 国家生物道德顾问委员会(NBAC)的职责是向白宫提出有关克隆人技术的政策性建议. 全文翻译: 当一个苏格兰研究小组透露三个月前他们克隆了一只成年绵羊时,

4. 不满:Miller和Sarat认为纠纷的形成一般有一个发展过程,依次经历不满(grievance)、要求(claim)、纠纷(dispute)、民事诉讼(civil legal dispute)四个阶段. 并不是产生的每一个不满都会发展为诉讼,每一个阶段都只有一部分问题(或者按照习惯说法,

grievance 词典解释

1. 委屈;不满;不平;抱怨
    If you have a grievance about something that has happened or been done, you believe that it was unfair.

    e.g. They had a legitimate grievance...
    e.g. The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.

grievance 单语例句

1. " No cause or grievance can justify such senseless and cruel acts that target innocent civilians, " Annan said in a statement from his spokesman's office.

2. In the Korean War thousands of Chinese soldiers were even namelessly buried abroad, which casts endless grievance on their families and survived companions.

3. grievance

3. The village head reportedly had his grievance against the county government for not allocating the fund he had asked for.

4. Police are trying to determine whether there may have been a previous grievance.

5. Xie claimed the workers'grievance was suppressed by local police and he felt their voices were not being heard.

6. The runaway real estate price in the private market has been a main grievance of the Hong Kong public in recent years.

7. grievance

7. A core grievance was unemployment 22 per cent among young people and double that in some urban neighbourhoods.

8. Zhang said the US Senate publicly voiced a grievance for these criminals and made " irresponsible remarks " on China's punishment on criminals.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The Nepalese community planned to stage a protest Sunday to express its sense of grievance over the shooting.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell will ultimately rule on the grievance, but there was no date for a hearing scheduled.

grievance 英英释义


1. grievance的翻译

1. a complaint about a (real or imaginary) wrong that causes resentment and is grounds for action

2. an allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes injustice

3. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation

    e.g. holding a grudge
           settling a score

    Synonym: grudge score
