1. 黄萎病:seagoing freighter 远洋货轮 | greensickness 黄萎病 | spectrum 光, 光谱, 型谱 频谱
2. 萎黄病; 绿色贫血 (名):Greensboro 格林斯博罗 (名) | greensickness 萎黄病; 绿色贫血 (名) | greensward 草皮 (名)
1. Greensickness: A plague brush is continually surrounded by a cloud of spores in a 30-foot radius.
2. Created to weaken troops by means of their greensickness poison plague brushes served as advance units in the Last War; now they randomly wander the stricken land.
1. iron deficiency anemia in young women
characterized by weakness and menstrual disturbances and a green color to the skin
Synonym: chlorosis