
greens [ɡ'ri:nz]  [ɡ'ri:nz] 





greens 基本解释

名词绿叶蔬菜; 绿色蔬菜( green的名词复数 ); 绿色的衣服; 植物

greens 网络解释

1. 青菜:卷心莴苣: lettuce | 青菜: greens | 玉米: corn

2. 蔬菜:sharks鲨鱼 | greens蔬菜 | grounds(建筑物周围的)庭院,场地

3. 鸡油菜心:button mushroom 洋菇 | greens 鸡油菜心 | cabbage roll in chilli 辣白菜卷

greens 单语例句

1. By far the biggest surprise on the Palmer is the Bentgrass greens.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The RLX active line was an explosion of color, with an infusion of bright oranges and lime greens.

3. Mixed baby greens add color and variety dotted by small pieces of kalamata olives.

4. greens是什么意思

4. The daily greens or pot of soup may change, but the clay pot of soy braised pork was always simmering on the kitchen stove.


5. The legal action comes on the day the Coalition and the Greens combined in Parliament to demand the deal with Malaysia be abandoned.

6. But Greens slammed the billions of dollars in extra compensation as throwing good money away.

7. McIlroy admitted the break in play had not affected his concentration but he was a little disappointed with his display on the greens.

8. Merkel's government does not include Germany's Greens, but the Green ideology has become a widely shared national creed in Germany.

9. I just hit a lot more greens today, that was the main difference.

10. Dougherty was one of only two players to break par on Thursday, despite the fact that Oakmont's notoriously difficult greens had been softened slightly by rain.

greens 英英释义


1. greens在线翻译

1. any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables

    Synonym: green leafy vegetable
