1. 阿谀奉承 趋炎附势:脱胎换骨thoroughly remould oneself | 阿谀奉承 趋炎附势greasiness | 恩将仇报 以怨报德 忘恩负义 bite the hand that feeds one
2. 阿谀奉承、趋炎附势:脱胎换骨thoroughly remould oneself | 阿谀奉承、趋炎附势greasiness | 恩将仇报、以怨报德 、忘恩负义 bite the hand that feeds one
3. 多脂:greasily 多脂 | greasiness 多脂 | greasy 多脂的
4. 阿谀奉承、的趋炎附势:脱胎换骨 thoroughly remould oneself | 阿谀奉承、的趋炎附势 greasiness | 恩将仇报、的以怨报德 、的忘恩负义 bite the hand that feeds one
1. People will put Chinese yam noodles in the soup to balance the greasiness.
2. The new way of cooking produces ducks with a mild flavour of vegetable and flowers that balance the greasiness of normal roast duck.
3. Lau says the preparation and baking methods used nowadays helped minimize the cake's greasiness.