
gravel [ˈgrævl]  [ˈɡrævəl]


gravel 基本解释


名词砾石; 沙砾,碎石; [医]结石

及物动词以砾石铺路; 使困惑; 使(船)搁浅在沙滩上

gravel 相关例句



1. She was graveled by her son's odd behavior.


1. The road is covered with gravel.

gravel 网络解释


1. 砾石:例如,硫本来是一种溶於铁液的成份,若我们加入CaO别发生下列变化:(1)酸性熔剂(Acid flux):这类熔剂就是含有氧化矽的矿石,常被用作这类熔剂的有砂(Sand)、砾石(Gravel)、石英岩(Quartz)等.

2. 砾:该集团去年花了半年时间研发新的砂砾(gravel)过滤系统,让雨水经过碎石、粗沙和花岗石碎片层层过滤后,再流出水沟,排入河道. 商务宇航中心是裕廊集团在航空园首栋公开招标建筑承包商的建筑项目. 它耗资1400万元兴建,

3. 碎石:出市政大厅后进入左边的公园,拿起远处木屋上挂的钳子(Pliers),捡起水池边的碎石(Gravel),砸向二楼的窗户,惹得镇长大人很生气. 和园丁打听怎么才能见到镇长,查看旁边的红玫瑰发现有很多果蝇,告诉园丁有果蝇,

gravel 词典解释

1. gravel

1. 砂砾;砾石
    Gravel consists of very small stones. It is often used to make paths.

    e.g. ...a gravel path leading to the front door.

gravel 单语例句

1. A gravel path zigzags through patches of sugar cane and orange trees to Huang's home.

2. Michael Schumacher skidded off into the gravel after the collision with Montoya as the Colombian tried a daring overtaking manoeuvre on lap 43.

3. gravel的反义词

3. Experts say that using gravel instead of concrete to fill pier foundations will cause them to tilt or even break in the future.

4. Residents said the slain were young men working in digging gravel from a former settlement in northern Gaza that Israel had evacuated in 2005.

5. Unpaved roads are covered with gravel, and traffic only moves at a snail's pace.

6. Plants are grown without soil and nutrients are added to sand, gravel or liquid to generate crops anywhere and anytime.

7. He also suffered bruises from a heavy crash in qualifying and ended up in the gravel on Sunday.

8. gravel

8. The bodies were found Monday afternoon in three separate rooms of the house, off a gravel road about two miles from the Whitewater Country Club.

9. A worker called Dawei told Xinhua that he tossed rocks and gravel into one of the pier foundations in June.

10. Another was Portuguese Tiago Monteiro, whose poor weekend continued when he ended up in the gravel after 12 minutes.

gravel 英英释义



1. gravel在线翻译

1. rock fragments and pebbles

    Synonym: crushed rock


1. be a mystery or bewildering to

    e.g. This beats me!
           Got me--I don't know the answer!
           a vexing problem
           This question really stuck me

    Synonym: perplex vex stick get puzzle mystify baffle beat pose bewilder flummox stupefy nonplus amaze dumbfound

2. cover with gravel

    e.g. We gravelled the driveway

3. cause annoyance in
    disturb, especially by minor irritations

    e.g. Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
           It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves

    Synonym: annoy rag get to bother get at irritate rile nark nettle vex chafe devil
