
granted [ˈgrɑ:ntɪd]  [ˈgræntɪd] 







granted 基本解释


动词准许; (退一步)承认( grant的过去式和过去分词 ); (尤指正式地或法律上)同意; 让渡

granted 相关例句


1. Granted that you are correct, you may find it hard to prove your point.

granted 网络解释


1. 我原谅:Yours is the blood of courage. I beg your forgiveness.|你的鲜血中流淌着勇气 我请求你的原谅 | Granted.|我原谅 | Cain! Cain!|该隐!该隐!

2. 退一步说:go ahead and get started 现在就开始吧 | Granted,退一步说 | gag order 禁言令

3. 假定,就算:Trucking 货车运输,货车运输业 | Granted 假定,就算 | Preliminary draft 草案,草稿

4. 被批准的:589. grand 宏伟的 | 590. granted 被批准的 | 591. graph 图表

granted 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (表示某事属实,然后再对其作出评论)不错,的确
    You use granted or granted that at the beginning of a clause to say that something is true, before you make a comment on it.

    e.g. Granted that the firm has not broken the law, is the law what it should be?

granted 单语例句

1. The import permits are granted to the qualified sellers with licences granted by car makers.

2. The revised law deleted the provision that no patent right shall be granted for pharmaceutical products and substances obtained by means of a chemical process.

3. Ye added he was not surprised by the absence of the farmers'voices, as he has seen China's farmers taken for granted for decades.

4. It was the first wholesale licence granted by the government in four years.

5. Cao also noted that armed police forces will not be granted the new certificate because they are regarded as military personnel on active service.

6. granted是什么意思

6. Nicole Richie has been granted a restraining order against two paparazzi who she claims caused her recent car accident.

7. The pet group recently gained ground when members were granted access to the park to feed the cat while it remains closed for repairs.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. I actually had a bad case of taking it for granted that we were going to do better than this.

9. Their caviar import license is the first of its kind granted in China since 1949.

10. granted

10. Chan also pointed out that the central government has already granted permission for the scheme.

granted 英英释义


1. granted的意思

1. acknowledged as a supposition

    e.g. given the engine's condition, it is a wonder that it started

    Synonym: given
