
governing [ˈgʌvənɪŋ]  [ˈgʌvərnɪŋ] 








governing 基本解释

动词统治( govern的现在分词); 控制,调节; 压制

governing 网络解释


1. 治理:由于规则的松弛和暴力的出现,政治危机因此必然体现为治理(governing)的危机,一般都伴随有很大程度的社会动荡;由于领导人的更替和制度的破坏,政府的主要产品之一即政策,也必然发生具有某种戏剧性的转折.

2. 控制 治理 管理 操纵 调整 调节:goniometry 角度测定法, 测角术 | governing 控制 治理 管理 操纵 调整 调节 | anchorage strength 锚固强度

governing 词典解释

1. governing什么意思

1. 统治的;管理的;控制的
    A governing body or organization is one which controls a particular activity.

    e.g. The league became the governing body for amateur fencing in the U.S.

governing 单语例句

1. governing是什么意思

1. The Byzantine rules governing delegates'powers and obligations are nearly incomprehensible, he said.

2. Five Kurdish leaders are on the interim Governing Council, and five Kurds are ministers in the cabinet that was announced two weeks ago.

3. governing的解释

3. Zhu's call for special laws governing Shanghai's international financial center was the No 1 bill of the city's congress session that concluded a week ago.

4. governing的翻译

4. The football governing body has almost become callous in the face of many such protests in previous years.

5. But it does not mean that most would do a good job once they were given the autonomy with their present governing mode.


6. It is interesting to note that the word " governing capability " tops the list, he said.

7. Build up the Party's governing capacity and improve its art of leadership and governance.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The Party must adapt itself to the march of events and changing circumstances, improving its system and style of leadership and raising its governing capacity.

9. What it exposed is the loopholes in the US financial governing system, which is why it is also called a " financial capitalist crisis ".

10. This spirit should be carried forward so that it will become the norm governing relations among the SCO member states in the new century.

governing 英英释义


1. the act of governing
    exercising authority

    e.g. regulations for the governing of state prisons
           he had considerable experience of government

    Synonym: government governance government activity administration


1. governing的近义词

1. responsible for making and enforcing rules and laws

    e.g. governing bodies
