
govern [ˈgʌvn]  [ˈgʌvərn] 







govern 基本解释


及物动词治理; 统治; 管理; 支配(词或短语的形式或用法)

不及物动词控制,支配; 操纵

govern 同义词


动词direct lead preside over minister rule regulate run control command influence conduct head boss guide determine handle supervise manage

govern 反义词


及物动词misgovern misrule

govern 相关例句


1. You should govern your temper.

2. The need for money governs his behavior.

3. Who really governs this country?

4. Govern your temper.


1. In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern.

govern 词典解释

1. 统治;治理
    To govern a place such as a country, or its people, means to be officially in charge of the place, and to have responsibility for making laws, managing the economy, and controlling public services.

    e.g. They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country...
    e.g. Their citizens are very thankful they are not governed by a dictator.

2. 支配;控制;影响
    If a situation or activity is governed by a particular factor, rule, or force, it is controlled by that factor, rule, or force.

    e.g. Marine insurance is governed by a strict series of rules and regulations...
    e.g. The government has altered the rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefit.

govern 单语例句

1. govern

1. CBRC has unveiled numerous measures to govern domestic commercial banks'wealth management business since 2005.

2. govern是什么意思

2. Industry heavyweight New York Mercantile Exchange also is pushing the CFTC to harmonize the rules that govern it and one rival in particular.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. With neither party winning a clear majority, neither can govern alone.

4. govern什么意思

4. No party is expected to be able to govern on its own, requiring the factions to work together in forming a coalition Cabinet.

5. govern是什么意思

5. But neither side has enough seats to govern alone, which means they are scrambling to cobble together enough parliamentary support to form a government.

6. China is a huge nation to govern, so of course there will be negatives for the media to hype up.

7. govern

7. Abbott said on Thursday that his coalition has the best economic credentials to govern despite the figures released late Wednesday by the three independents.

8. China last October issued rules to govern carmakers who offer credit to their customers.

9. Current regulations do not clearly define which governmental departments are authorized to govern such employment.

10. It's time to think systematically how to govern cyberspace to ensure its development and create as much benefits as possible for countries and international relations.

govern 英英释义


1. direct or strongly influence the behavior of

    e.g. His belief in God governs his conduct

2. bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage
    impose regulations

    e.g. We cannot regulate the way people dress
           This town likes to regulate

    Synonym: regulate regularize regularise order

3. govern

3. exercise authority over
    as of nations

    e.g. Who is governing the country now?

    Synonym: rule

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood

    e.g. most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German
