goof up

goof up [ɡu:f ʌp]  [ɡuf ʌp] 

goof up 基本解释


goof up 网络解释

1. 把...弄错, 把...搞乱:bubble gum: n.<美>泡泡糖 | 5:I told you he'd goof it up. 我就知道他办不成. | goof up: 把...弄错, 把...搞乱

2. 搞砸了事情:6. fold up 商店、企业的破产/关门 | 8. goof up 搞砸了事情 | 9. work the graveyard/night shift 上大/小夜班

3. 犯错,出岔子:8. half-baked肤浅的,半吊子 | 9. goof up犯错,出岔子 | 10. play dirty用诈术

goof up 双语例句

1. No, I goof around, but I don't do pranks. I'm more of a smart alec. Tues night I picked up Archie and pretended to throw him into the crowd.

2. Portuguese Olympic cross-country skier Danny Silva said these events bring out the best in the usually sombre Finns, letting them goof off, dress up, and poke fun at themselves.

3. Letting goof a commitment doesn't mean giving up.

4. You'd goof things up good.

goof up什么意思

5. Don't goof up his computer system!

6. Please don't straighten the mess on my desk! You'll goof up my system

7. He is so careless that he will goof up all the time.

8. It is best to acquaint yourself with the etiquette related to various wedding traditions so there is no chance of a goof up.
