
gooey [ˈgu:i]  [ˈɡui] 



gooey 基本解释




gooey 网络解释

1. 感伤的:goody-goody 伪善的人 | gooey 感伤的 | goof 傻瓜

2. 胶粘的/感伤的/胶粘物/糖蜜:goody /身分低微之老妇/媪/糖果/感伤的/伪善的/太好了/ | gooey /胶粘的/感伤的/胶粘物/糖蜜/ | goof /呆子/傻瓜/弄糟/混/打发时间/出大错/

3. 粘粘的,胶粘的:enamel:[牙]釉质 | gooey: 粘粘的,胶粘的 | pigment: 色素,颜料

4. 胶粘物:gooey 糖蜜 | gooey 胶粘物 | gooeytacky 胶粘的

gooey 词典解释

1. 软而黏的;黏糊糊的
    If you describe a food or other substance as gooey, you mean that it is very soft and sticky.

    e.g. These cakes are fudgy, gooey, and delicious.
    e.g. ...a lovely, gooey, sticky mess.

2. 过于煽情的;黏腻缠绵的
    Gooey is sometimes used to describe very foolish, exaggerated ways of expressing love or affection.

    e.g. I'm gonna write you a long, gooey letter...
    e.g. Women went gooey over him.

gooey 单语例句

1. I grew up in Canada thinking pizza should have a soggy, doughy crust and be loaded down with toppings that often make a gooey mess.

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2. Oil used with surprising restraint results in a juicy eggplant rather than the usual gooey mess.

3. When that failed they resorted to using a small knife to scrape away the gooey mess.

4. The taste is neutral but it feels like a wonderful gooey texture with bits of marmalade.

5. Three eggs whipped fluffy with tiny cubes of ham and red pepper folded around sweet, gooey fresh sliced banana tastes better than you may expect.

gooey 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. soft and sticky

    Synonym: icky
