
goods [gʊdz] [ɡudz] 






goods 基本解释

名词商品,货物; 动产; 本领; 合意的人

goods 相关例句


1. Our neighbors sold their household goods before they moved out.

2. That boy has the goods.

3. He buys and sells leather goods.

4. There's a large variety of goods in the shops.

goods 情景对话



B:We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short.

A:We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.

B:I see.


A:How do you like the goods dispatched, by railway or by sea?
      你方将怎样发运货物,铁路还是 海运 ?

B:By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation.
      请 海运 发货,铁路运输费用太高,我们愿意走 海运 。

A:That's what we think.

Sales-((折扣) 出售)

B:There’s a big sale on clothes and sporting goods at Riverside Mall.

A:Sporting goods? Is that bike Tim wanted on sale?

B:Yeah, it’s 30 percent off the regular price.

A:Well, maybe we could get it now and hide it until his birthday.

B:Yeah, it’s a couple weeks away, and we don’t have anything yet.

A:Don’t buy him underwear again. He hates that.

B:I know, I know, but if I didn’t buy it for him, he’d never buy it.

A:See anything else we need there?

B:Well, all shoes are 20 percent off.

A:Shoes? You already have a closet full of shoes.

B:I know, but another pair can’t hurt.

A:Oh, all right. I need some new shirts, too. Let’s go after breakfast.

goods 网络解释


1. 贸易收支:贸易收支(Goods) 贸易收支(又称贸易项目)是指一国出口商品所得收入和进口商品的 外汇 外汇 支出的总称;与商品的进出口有关. 比如: 进出口公司从国外购货或者对外出口销售商品的 外汇收支 外汇收支 . 是反映了国与国之间的商品贸易状况,

goods 词典解释

1. 货物;商品
    Goods are things that are made to be sold.

    e.g. Money can be exchanged for goods or services.
    e.g. ...a wide range of consumer goods.

2. goods的解释

2. 私人财产;动产
    Your goods are the things that you own and that can be moved.

    e.g. All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag...
    e.g. You can give your unwanted goods to charity.


3. 不负众望;达到要求
    If you deliver the goods or come up with the goods, you do what is expected or required of you.

    e.g. As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy.

4. 掌握了…的罪证(或把柄)
    If you get the goods or have the goods on someone, you have evidence that they have done something wrong or criminal.

    e.g. He was the victim of those in his own party who had the goods on him.

goods 单语例句

1. Huang said more should be done to encourage private companies to keep their business in the production of goods and provision of services.

2. If we agree that consumers are rational spenders, we cannot see any reason for them to reject Chinese goods across the board.

3. Article 8 of the 1993 law prohibits business operators from offering money or goods in selling or purchasing commodities.

4. Unfortunately for a Shanghai store that sold pirated luxury handbags, the incident brought so much attention they were busted for selling fake goods.

5. Shenzhen Customs said on Monday it busted a luxury goods smuggling gang in coordination with Shenzhen police and Hangzhou Customs in Zhejiang province.

6. goods是什么意思

6. The investigation includes not just peanut butter, but baked goods and other products that contain peanuts and are sold directly to consumers.

7. These people should realize that the more counterfeit goods they buy, the less room quality national and multinational manufacturers have to establish their brands.

8. After the recent milk formula scandal, many mothers are worried about it and feel safer buying imported goods.

9. Rising labor cost and more buying power has shot up prices of essentials and other goods.

10. Shenzhen residents may be saving some money by buying goods in Hong Kong.
