
goodbye [ˌgʊdˈbaɪ]  [ˌɡʊd'baɪ] 


goodbye 基本解释



goodbye 情景对话



A:What’s wrong? You look upset.

B:Nothing’s wrong.

A:I can tell something is wrong. You should talk to me about it.

B:I don’t feel like talking.

A:It’ll make you feel better. I promise.

B:I feel a little bit sad.

A:Why is that?

B:Because it’s time to go.

A:Instead of thinking of this as an ending, you can think of this as a new beginning. Just think about all the new experience you’re going to have after this.

B:I guess. But I don’t want to say goodbye to everyone though.

A:You’re not saying goodbye forever; you’re just saying goodbye until you see them again.

goodbye 网络解释

1. 再见:今天,它被惯用作'哈啰'(Hello)和'再见'(Goodbye). 然而在圣经中,这个词对于经历艰苦和灾难的生命,带有极深奥的意思;在生命的经历中,带有完美和完整的意思;也带有内在的谦卑和平稳. 简言之,它是旧约中最基本的词语之一. 希望某人沙龙,

2. 道别:冬日(Landscape Of Snow)午后(The Gentle Afternoon)的奶茶(Milk Tea),还有餐厅中圣诞气息渐近的标志(Christmas Song最后的道别(Goodbye)......所有事情似乎都只是发生在一个下午,而Kido花费了超过10种不同的乐器来叙述它.

goodbye 词典解释

1. (告别用语)再见
    You say 'Goodbye' to someone when you or they are leaving, or at the end of a telephone conversation.


2. 告别语;道别;再见
    When you say your goodbyes, you say something such as 'Goodbye' when you leave.

    e.g. He said his goodbyes knowing that a long time would pass before he would see his child again...
    e.g. I said a hurried goodbye and walked home in the cold...

3. 道别/ 挥手告别
    When you say goodbye to someone, you say something such as 'Goodbye', 'Bye', or 'See you', when you or they are leaving. You can also wave goodbye to someone.

    e.g. He left without saying goodbye...
    e.g. He wanted to say goodbye to you...

4. 向…说再见;承认不会(或不再)拥有
    If you say goodbye or wave goodbye to something that you want or usually have, you accept that you are not going to have it.

    e.g. He has probably said goodbye to his last chance of Olympic gold...
    e.g. We can wave goodbye to the sort of protection that people at work need and deserve.

5. to kiss something goodbye -> see kiss

goodbye 单语例句

1. goodbye的近义词

1. The goodbye ceremony included dancing as well as children singing songs in Danish and Chinese.

2. goodbye

2. At the airport, other tourists waited excitedly to check in and said goodbye to relatives and friends.

3. They laughed and said " goodbye " in English and one of the young men tossed me a gift - a ripe coconut.

4. Goodbye character development or cohesive plot, hello more shootings and chase sequences.

5. goodbye在线翻译

5. When the Seoul municipal government had the number of its cars reduced to only 47, the city also waved goodbye to traffic congestion.

6. On the last trading day of a gloomy August, investors expected the market could say goodbye to a continuous drop in the coming month.

7. So we said goodbye and I left with a contract in my hand and a deeper understanding of the old city I live in.

8. As time comes for Chinese college graduates to say goodbye to each other, the moment was set to become a lifetime memory by celebrations whether peaceful or crazy.

9. The former Soviet Union saw its last crested ibis in 1963, while the Korean Peninsula said goodbye to it in 1978.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Neighbors were in shock at the tragedy that befell the child's family Monday, hours after the father kissed his wife and baby goodbye in the driveway.

goodbye 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a farewell remark

    e.g. they said their good-byes

    Synonym: adieu adios arrivederci auf wiedersehen au revoir bye bye-bye cheerio good-by goodby good-bye good day sayonara so long
