good luck charm

good luck charm

good luck charm 双语例句

good luck charm的翻译

1. It was the one he had always worn as a good luck charm.

2. Because I have a good luck charm which has already changed my luck.

3. It was either the biggest good luck charm or the most plastic mascot I've ever seen.

good luck charm

4. It makes a fun gift, or a nice little good luck charm for yourself.

5. Do you have a good luck charm when you play?


6. P. s.: i am sure you will, because i have a good luck charm which has already changed my luck.
    又及 ------我相信你会来的,因为我有吉祥符,它已经把我的运气变好了!

7. Yes, Sunman`s bear is his good luck charm. The bear will be at the WEG Masters.
    是的! Sunman的小熊维尼是他的幸运物,这只熊也将出现在WEG的赛事上。

8. They had superstitiously brought their idols with them into the battle (probably like a good-luck charm), but dropped them in their haste to retreat.

9. Millions of people believe that a good luck charm can make a difference.

10. A horseshoe has always been considered a good luck charm.

11. Maybe that's the good luck charm I've been missing.

12. Because the strong oak tree, which grows from a little acorn, lives for such a long time, it is believed that wearing an acorn as a charm will bring good luck and a long life.

13. Murakami is now preparing another package for the candidate that will include a good-luck charm from the local Obama Shrine.

14. Robert Pattison sported a thick mane at the premier of his latest film, while Ben Affleck said his stubble was his good luck charm for the Oscars.

15. You are my good luck charm.

good luck charm

16. S I`m sure you will because I have your good luck charm which has already changed my luck.

good luck charm 单语例句

1. He held a good luck charm, a coin flattened on the rails as the rocket rolled toward the launch pad.
