
goo [gu:]  [ɡu] 

goo 基本解释

名词黏性物,感伤; 臭味

goo 相关例句



1. Wash that goo off your hands.

goo 网络解释


1. 古:卡通学英语 围绕着小鲁(Lou)、咪咪(Mimi)、大古(Goo)的吉皮(Kippie)这四个活泼可爱的卡通人物,发生了许多有趣的故事,随着故事的发展,让小朋友们在轻松愉快的氛围中学到一些很有用的日常英语.

2. 围棋:民族词汇的世界语化也是约定俗成的. 已经有些成功的例子,如北京(Pekino)南京(Nankino)广东(Kantono)茶(Teo)等等,都是因为形似世界语而站住了脚跟,也都没有必要去改成Bejxino,Nanjxino,Cxao等. ------而正本清源地将围棋(goo)坚持改为Vicxio则似有必要.

3. 红铅油:Goniophyllum 方锥珊瑚属 | goo 红铅油 | Gooch filter 古氏过滤器

4. 粘性物:gelee: 果冻状物质 | goo: 粘性物 | idiot: 白痴

goo 词典解释

1. (泥、糨糊等)黏稠物质
    You can use goo to refer to any thick, sticky substance, for example mud or paste.

    e.g. ...a sticky goo of pineapple and coconut.

goo 单语例句

1. They squeezed dark goo into the crevices as the sticky material got on their gloves and clumped at the ends of their putty knives.

2. As I continued to ponder the woman next to me violently sneezed, spraying my hand with a mist of disgusting goo.

3. If they are happy, they will make a sound like'goo goo'.

4. Goo thinks this volume of travelers could stimulate carriers to consider a scheduled nonstop flight in the future.

5. He said that a WASP couple would look at black goo rising in their toilet and say " that's peculiar ".

6. Goo said Chinese travelers spent more than any other visitors to the island, paying out $ 360 a person in the first nine months of 2011.

7. " Another nine charter flights are coming before next year's Spring Festival, " HTA's tourism brand manager Goo tells China Daily.

8. Complacency is a cruel mistress and she has found her victim in Goo Goo Dolls.

9. goo的近义词

9. The Goo Goo Dolls headlined a free concert on Sunday night, followed by a fireworks show.

10. Gone are the smart musical subtleties that Goo Goo Dolls delivered with their hit songs " Iris " and " Black Balloon " a decade ago.

goo 英英释义



1. any thick, viscous matter

    Synonym: sludge slime goop gook guck gunk muck ooze
