
gods ['ɡɒdz]  ['ɡɒdz] 




gods 基本解释
上帝;<非正>最高层楼座;神( god的名词复数 );受到过分崇尚的事物;顶层楼座;
gods 网络解释

1. 天神:浮雕的底部,鱼群随着巨浪翻滚,巨浪之上,阿修罗(Asura)在左,天神(Gods)再右,正在奋力拽拉着大蛇瓦苏吉(Vasuki). 瓦苏吉的身体缠绕在曼达拉山上(Mount Mandara). 为了保持曼达拉山的平衡,毗湿奴的化身之一,龟王库尔马(Kurma)在山下稳稳地托着.

2. 上帝们:不管如何,他们是如此古老的一个族类,以致于对我们来讲他们显得像是"上帝们"(Gods)一样,当他们真的是象征着我们未来的自己时. 时间

3. 神们啊:A comical sight no doubt.|毫无疑问一个滑稽的场面 | Gods.|神们啊 | We are in a damned awkward position.|我们处于一个该死的尴尬局面

gods 单语例句

1. gods的翻译

1. Some of his works were inspired by the classic Chinese novels like " A Pilgrimage to the West " and " Canonization of the Gods ".

2. gods的解释

2. One of them composed a poem to celebrate the day, praising him and asking the gods to let him outlive the mountains and rivers.

3. People take this opportunity to clean their house, so the gods and spirits will not be disturbed or offended.

4. They are discovering everything from coins and everyday objects to colossal granite statues of Egypt's rulers and sunken temples dedicated to their gods.

5. gods的翻译

5. I don't mean to disparage, but they should not be looked up as gods.

6. The bunnies serve a dual purpose - they are items of sacrifice for the gods and playthings for children.

7. The article recommends a soup called " Duck soup with four gods ".

8. The most popular paintings are Door Gods pasted on the front doors to keep ghosts and monsters away.

9. gods在线翻译

9. The word Ha means to sing or to invite gods to enjoy the song in the Jing language.

10. There are also some heaps of rock and flags that were used by the Tibetan people to sacrifice Mountain Gods.
