1. 地精:150)种类 种族-矮人种族 矮人职业 N/A描述 Hunker down-短时间内减少所得伤害地精(Goblins)的憎恨Ⅱ(100)种类 种族-矮人种族 矮人职业 N/A描述 返回索林之门-将你直接传送到索林大厅(1小时冷却时间)地精(Goblins)的憎恨Ⅰ(50)种
2. 哥布林:而在游戏开始之地的强盗(Brigands),哥布林(Goblins),杜尔汉矮人(DourhandDwarves)都会掉落配方,而这些配方一般都会使你的护甲获得额外的基本属性,还可以是你获得额外的工匠经验点数.
3. 小精灵:Balderone 国王,顽皮小精灵(Goblins)世界的统治者,最近很难过,因为他最喜欢的宠物Riri突然之间不见了. 三个矮小但聪明的侦探:力气很大的 Stucco、精于管理的Tchop以及会魔法的Purlius,收到了他们的国王的正式命令. 他们的任务是找到Riri,
4. 妖精:林文平(LWP) 写到:精灵是所有奇幻文学中出现率最高的一种生物,在神话传说里更是不可或缺的常客,种类繁多真是一辈子的研究不完,甚至有精灵学(Fairyology)一词. 在哈利波特中出现的精灵就有:妖精(Goblins)-古灵阁的看守人;地精(Gnome)-花园里的捣蛋鬼;康瓦耳郡绿仙(Pixies)和家庭小精灵(House-elf).
1. It's the Smurfs - " blue goblins " or " blue sprites, " as they were named in Chinese - I'm talking about.
2. The practices have morph ed into Halloween as it is known today, with parents encouraging their own little ghosts and goblins to haunt the neighborhood.
3. The official website has created a special world for goblins, complete with its own language.
4. danci.911chaxun.com
4. I mean, how many goblins and elves can you put in one story?