go wrong

go wrong [ɡəu rɔŋ]  [ɡo rɔŋ] 

go wrong 基本解释

go wrong的翻译

动词走错路,误入岐途,(机器等)发生故障; 出岔子; 出乱子

go wrong 反义词

come right

go wrong 相关例句

go wrong的翻译


1. The sum is wrong, but I can't see where I went wrong.

go wrong 网络解释

1. 出错;发生故障:go without 不享受 | go wrong 出错;发生故障 | good for 有效的;值...;胜任

2. 出错,出故障:go into operation生效,实施 | go wrong出错,出故障 | had better应该

3. 走错路:15. first of all 首先,第一 | 16. go wrong 走错路 | 18. make a noise 吵闹,喧哗

go wrong 单语例句

1. To know why, we need to go deeper to check what exactly is wrong with our market system.

2. If things continue to go wrong, we have to check what is wrong with our approach.

3. go wrong是什么意思

3. But she has a new defibrillator that communicates directly with her doctor, sending signals about its functions and setting off alarms if things go wrong.

4. In the world of manufacturing there are a myriad of things that can go wrong and do go wrong.

5. Do you think something could possibly go wrong there is he goes off book?

6. While the Factory Girl'star agreed, cautious Sienna has insisted on keeping her own house in case things go wrong again.

7. And the world thought nothing could possibly go wrong with the US economy, not even when the subprime market tumbled last year.

8. Here's what can go wrong when you get stuck in an elevator, or find out your boyfriend is cheating.

9. It is believed to go to the wrong place whoever will foot the bill.

10. At 25 yuan for a gin and tonic, you just can't go wrong.

go wrong 英英释义


1. be unsuccessful

    e.g. Where do today's public schools fail?
           The attempt to rescue the hostages failed miserably

    Synonym: fail miscarry
