go together

go together [ɡəu təˈɡeðə]  [ɡo təˈɡɛðɚ] 

go together 基本解释

相爱; 协调; 伴随; 互相牵扯

go together 相关例句


1. Do my shirt and my blue jeans go together?

go together 情景对话

go together是什么意思


A:Hello. May I speak to Mary, please?

B:Speaking. Who’s calling, please?

A:Hi, Mary. This is Tom.

B:Oh, hi, Tom. How’ve you been?

A:Just fine. I say. Aren’t you busy tomorrow evening?

B:Let me see. Uh-huh…no, I guess I’ll be free.

A:Well, uh…why not dine out together and go to the movies?

B:Sounds like a good idea.

A:Okay. I’ll pick you up at 6:00.
      好的。我会在6 点钟接你。

B:Thank you for inviting me. See you then. Bye, Tom.

A:Bye now.


A:When is your lunch break?

B:I usually have lunch around noon, but I’m tired up with this report right now.
      我通常在12 点左右吃午饭,但现在要赶一个报告,脱不开身。

A:When do you think you’ll finish?

B:My supervisor wants to have it on her desk by 1 pm.

A:Do you want to go for lunch together at 1 pm?

B:I don’t know. She might want to discuss it with me then.

A:I see. Are you hungry?

B:I’m starving! But I don’t think I’m going to have any opportunities to eat this afternoon.

A:Do you want me to pick up a sandwich for you?

B:That would be great! I could eat it at my desk while I’m working.

A:What kind of sandwich would you like?

B:I’m not picky. Anything will do. Here’s a five.
      我不挑剔,哪种都可以,这是5 美元。

A:Don’t worry about it. I’ll get it. I’ll be back in 15 minutes or so.
      别担心,我会帮你买回来,我15 分钟左右回来。

B:Thanks a million!

A:Let’s do lunch tomorrow, though.

B:OK, but tomorrow, it’ll be on me!

go together 网络解释

go together的反义词

1. 相配;恋爱:go to war 开始作战 | go together 相配;恋爱 | go under 沉没;失败,破产

2. 相配:When can we get together?我们什么时候聚会? | 5. go together相配 | Do you think the hat and dress go together? 你觉得这顶帽子和连衣裙相配吗?

3. 相配;调和:go to work 去上班 | go together 相配;调和 | *going Dutch 各自付账;AA制

4. 谈恋爱:as plain as the nose on one's face 显而易见 | go together 谈恋爱 | pull someone's leg 愚弄某人

go together 单语例句

1. go together的意思

1. When having dinner together, they stand treat by turns or go Dutch.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Have chicken wings and beef slices preserved overnight, then call several friends and go barbeque together in a sunny day.

3. Capitalism and Christianity do not go together because capitalism is driven mad by greed and love of money.

4. Tradition dictates that all the family members of a patriline clan should go together to sweep their common ancestors'tomb.

5. go together是什么意思

5. Some couples also draw up complicated property rights in their marriage contract, go on a honeymoon together and move into the same apartment - at least temporarily.

6. It is true that all currencies don't all go down together and one currency's depreciation is another's appreciation.

7. The two plants together will have a daily output capacity of 734 tons when they go on stream in the first quarter of 2008.

8. I believe with the help of the government and all the people, we will unite to fight against the disaster and go beyond this devastating period together.

9. Tax cuts and ambitious development programs do not go together very well.

10. Tibet separatists and RSF came together to destroy the torch relay shamefully to politicize the Olympics and go against the Chinese people's wishes.
