go to pot

go to pot [ɡəu tu: pɔt]  [ɡo tu pɑt] 

go to pot 基本解释

go to pot的反义词


go to pot 网络解释

1. 破产:go to pieces 瓦解 | go to pot 破产 | go to rack and ruin 被毁灭掉

2. 毁灭:433.go to the dogs 沦落 | 434.go to pot 毁灭 | 435.go through hell or high water 赴汤蹈火

3. 情况越来越糟糕:133. come up for air 喘口气,调节一下精神 | 134. go to pot 情况越来越糟糕 | 135. sweeten the pot 添加某些优惠条件,使得一笔交易更有利可图,并因而有更大的吸引力

4. 一落千丈:30. 一清二楚as clear as crystal | 31. 一落千丈go to pot | 32. 一朝一夕in one day

go to pot 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Opting to go down south for your hot pot might be a wiser choice as Beijing heats up for the summer months.

2. The restaurant also provides a sesame sauce, or fresh green pepper sauce to go with the hot pot.

go to pot 英英释义


1. become ruined

    e.g. His business went to pot when economy soured

    Synonym: go to the dogs
