go for a walk

go for a walk [ɡəu fɔ: ə wɔ:k]  [ɡo fɔr e wɔk] 

go for a walk 基本解释

go for a walk是什么意思

动词散步; 遛达遛达

go for a walk 网络解释

go for a walk什么意思

1. 散步:中午和父母在麦当劳(McDonald's)吃午饭. 下午Sam和他的同学在学校打篮球,从下午四点一直打到(till)下午六点. 晚饭后, Sam和父亲一起散步(go for a walk),父亲给他买了一张古典CD. 这一天Sam过得多么有趣啊

2. 去散步:221hugn. 紧抱,拥抱; v. 紧抱,固执 | 222go for a walk去散步 | 223seasidea. 海边(的),海滨(的 n. 海边

3. 出去散步:go for a swim 去游泳 | go for a walk 出去散步 | go for 去拿,去找;去请

4. 散步遛弯:11.mountaineering登山探奇 | 12.go for a walk散步遛弯 | 13.practise swimming练习游泳

go for a walk 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Many said they would go for a walk with friends and family and have a nice talk under the night sky free from floodlight pollution.

2. go for a walk

2. For example, they always leave some space between each other when they go for a walk.

3. go for a walk的翻译

3. If they go for a walk, it turns into an international incident.

4. She even practises English with her husband when they cook or go for a walk together.

5. On each side of Buddha are sets of huge shoes, gifts to Sakyamuni in case he wanted to go for a walk.

6. When we go for a walk and we don't take our eyes off our feet we lose track of where we are going.

7. Her thin tail is sticking up vertically, underlining her eagerness to go for a walk.

8. You are on a long walk listening to your iPod only for the battery to go flat.

9. While some dogs may be content with a walk, one mutt in Long Island is more inclined to go for a drive.

10. They can go for a short walk during their lunch break, though.
