go a long way

go a long way [ɡəu ei lɔŋ wei]  [ɡo e lɔŋ we] 

go a long way 基本解释



go a long way 网络解释

1. 有用:glad eye 抛媚眼 | go a long way 有用 | go about 从事

2. 大有帮助:go a little way 不大有作用 | go a long way 大有帮助 | go about 从事

3. 大有作用:give way 屈服;退让;坍塌;倒塌;让路;让开 | go a long way 大有作用 | a good way 很远;颇有一段路

go a long way 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The move demonstrates that western provinces still have a long way to go before the region becomes a magnet for talent of the highest calibre.

2. go a long way在线翻译

2. This delicious cheesecake is rich and creamy and a little will go a long way.

3. You'll have a long way to go before you are able to cleanse yourself of the stigma.

4. This means the Chinese people have a long way to go in their battle to expose the nature of the Tibet independence clique.

5. There is a long way to go for reducing the nation's dependence on coal and oil.

6. go a long way

6. The overall deleveraging and structural adjustment is far from complete and the repair of private balance sheets still has a long way to go.

7. A comparison with US indicators demonstrates that China still has a long way to go to close the innovation gap.

8. There is still a long way to go in China's building of political democracy, which will be a historical process of continuous improvement and development.

9. The country still has a long way to go toward making the currency convertible.

10. go a long way

10. Achieving those goals will go a long way in helping to address the core issues of global imbalance.

go a long way 英英释义


1. suffice or be adequate for a while or to a certain extent
