
glory [ˈglɔ:ri]  [ˈɡlɔri, ˈɡlori] 








glory 基本解释

名词光荣,荣誉; 壮观,壮丽; (对上帝的)赞颂; 非常美的事物

不及物动词得意,自豪; 骄傲

glory 同义词


名词resplendence majesty

glory 反义词

名词dishonor disgrace shame

glory 相关例句


1. He gloried in his triumph.

2. Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom.


1. The museum is the glory of our city.

2. He took part in the competition for the glory of the school.

3. Glory be to God.

glory 网络解释

1. 光荣:<<反抗军>>的导演爱德华.兹威克(Edward Zwick)早就因执导过像<<光荣>>(Glory)、<<最后的武士>>(The Last Samurai)和<<血腥钻石>>(Blood Diamond)这样的作品而在战争题材的领域里享有极高的声誉,他选择让这段从没有人深入探索过的真实的历史片断,

glory 词典解释

1. 光荣;荣耀
    Glory is the fame and admiration that you gain by doing something impressive.

    e.g. Walsham had his moment of glory when he won a 20km race.
    e.g. ...we were still basking in the glory of our Championship win.

2. 辉煌时刻;巅峰
    A person's glories are the occasions when they have done something people greatly admire which makes them famous.

    e.g. The album sees them reliving past glories but not really breaking any new ground.
    e.g. ...the military glories of Frederick the Great.

3. 壮丽;壮观
    The glory of something is its great beauty or impressive nature.

    e.g. The glory of the idea blossomed in his mind.

4. 引以为荣的事物
    The glories of a culture or place are the things that people admire most about it.

    e.g. ...a tour of Florence, to enjoy the artistic glories of the Italian Renaissance...
    e.g. One of the glories of the island has always been its bird population.

5. 因…而欣喜;为…而喜悦
    If you glory in a situation or activity, you enjoy it very much.

    e.g. The workers were glorying in their new-found freedom...
    e.g. He does not glory in his past successes and looks forward to achieving more.

6. 一举成名
    If you go out in a blaze of glory, you do something very dramatic at the end of your career or your life which makes you famous.

    e.g. I am never going back to prison. I am going to make national news headlines and go out in a blaze of glory.

glory 单语例句

1. Had Strauss been captain then he would never have survived the press mauling and would not have been in charge during the glory years.

2. Since the introduction of smokeless fuel and central heating it has been possible to restore them to their former glory.

3. glory的解释

3. The path to glory gets even tougher today for defending women's volleyball champion China in its quarterfinal showdown with Russia.

4. But after Buffon's save he must have known his final chance of glory on the game's ultimate stage had all but vanished.

5. Add the morning glory stems and fry till they turn color and are cooked.

6. A century later as the world evolved into modern society, these old stores seem to have lost their glory and charm for many.

7. Several buyers from some big US companies are already in talks with Chateau Glory, with one of them eager to buy 30 to 40 units at one go.

8. glory是什么意思

8. Ang Lee is the pride of Chinese people all over the world, and he is the glory of Chinese cinematic talent.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. The summit offered glimpses into some of the compelling storylines these athletes will write as they chase Olympic glory.

10. glory的意思

10. Later generations often likened the glory and the continuation of his noble spirit to the sunshine and the earth.

glory 英英释义


1. glory

1. brilliant radiant beauty

    e.g. the glory of the sunrise

    Synonym: resplendence resplendency

2. an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint

    Synonym: aura aureole halo nimbus gloriole

3. a state of high honor

    e.g. he valued glory above life itself

    Synonym: glorification


1. rejoice proudly
