
gladiator [ˈglædieɪtə(r)]  [ˈɡlædiˌetɚ] 


gladiator 基本解释



gladiator 网络解释

1. 终极斗士:他于1992年加入演艺圈,并且在<<终极斗士>>(Gladiator)中饰演一名拳击手,完成了荧屏处女秀. 随着参演<<情枭的黎明>>(Carlito's Way),<<十二只猴子>>(12 Monkeys),<<情理法的春天>>(Homicide: Life on the Street)等片,

2. 角斗士/神鬼战士/帝国骄雄:<<角斗士/神鬼战士/帝国骄雄>>(Gladiator)是美国在2000年花费一亿美元打造的史诗巨片,影片把古罗马竞技场显赫的角斗带到了大银幕上,为我们讲述了发生在公元180年一位被流放为奴的将军反抗罗马帝国残暴强权的悲壮故事,

gladiator 词典解释

1. (古罗马)角斗士
    In the time of the Roman Empire, a gladiator was a man who had to fight against other men or wild animals in order to entertain an audience.

2. gladiator

2. 勇士,斗士(指勇敢的或表演危险动作的运动员或表演者)
    You can refer to a sports player or a performer as a gladiator in order to emphasize how brave or dangerous their actions are.

    e.g. As the gladiators rolled away from the starting gates, a gasp went up when the Scottish cyclist's left foot clicked out of the pedal.

gladiator 单语例句

1. High and mighty The gladiator may reach its full height of popularity in spring'09.

2. Gladiator director Ridley Scott is set to bring the story of the turbulent Gucci clan to the big screen.

3. The'Gladiator'star went for months without sex before he married Danielle Spence in 2003.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. The ballet tells the story of Roman gladiator Spartacus who leads a slave revolt.

5. Italy are also in on the act with " Roman " Francesco Totti having a gladiator tattoo.

6. gladiator是什么意思

6. Carrie Bradshaw getting married in Vivienne Westwood and running around Manhattan in Christian Dior gladiator sandals and a YSL dress.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. He has tried the Indiana Jones look and once dressed up as a Roman gladiator.

8. gladiator的解释

8. Crowe won and Oscar in 2000 for his performance in The Gladiator.

9. The bronze helmet survived the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and was worn by a heavily armoured gladiator called a " murmillo ".

10. Gladiator star Connie Nielsen portrayed the wife in Susanne Bier's 2004 film.

gladiator 英英释义



1. gladiator的解释

1. (ancient Rome) a professional combatant or a captive who entertained the public by engaging in mortal combat

2. gladiator

2. a professional boxer

    Synonym: prizefighter
