give over

give over [ɡiv ˈəuvə]  [ɡɪv ˈovɚ] 

give over 基本解释


放弃; 停止; 中止; 交付

give over 情景对话



B:I have the quotations you asked for .

A:Good ,we‘ve been looking for them .
      好啊 ,我们一直等着看呢。

B:I‘ll leave them for you to look over .

A:I‘ll give you a call when we are ready to talk about them .

give over 网络解释

1. (使)停止;放弃;交托:give out 分发;发出(气味等) | give over (使)停止;放弃;交托 | give rise to 产生;引起

2. 停止:give out 分发 | give over 停止 | give sth. back 把某物还给某人

3. 交托、停止、放弃:give off 散发、发出(气味、光线、声音) | give over 交托、停止、放弃 | give sb. a lift 搭车

4. 让位于=give way to被取代:200. give up 放弃,停止做某事 | 201. give over 让位于=give way to被取代 | 202. give rise to 引起,导致

give over 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 停止;别再做;住手
    If you tell someone to give over, you are telling them to stop doing something, usually because they are annoying you.

    e.g. Tell him to give over...
    e.g. She gave over teasing and grinned at him.

give over 单语例句

1. Here's hoping these talented artists can outlast their growing pains and give us some eye candy worth drooling over.

2. give over的翻译

2. " Victory over Saudi Arabia will give the Carthage Eagles wings to fly even higher, " said former player Nabil Kouki.

3. Russia has said it will give the WTO a document to clear up confusion over its plans to join the world trade body.

4. With her staff of over eighty assistants this remarkable woman used little colored flags to give orders.

5. The babies'mothers were promised large sums of money to come to France, give birth and hand their babies over to other couples.

6. He had refused to give up until the Japanese government flew in his former commander to formally inform him the war was over.

7. Those that succeed will have a huge commercial advantage which could give them the leverage they need to take over their rivals.

8. While websites give corporate communicators a high degree of control over content, the survey found consumers often turn elsewhere for information.

9. give over什么意思

9. His grandma cooked a special dish that she believed would give him the energy required to sprint down a track and leap over obstacles.

10. Delegates were also wrangling over a proposal on cotton and a package to give the world's poorest nations special trade privileges.
