give or take

give or take [ɡiv ɔ: teik]  [ɡɪv ɔr tek] 

give or take 基本解释



give or take 相关例句



1. He was 80 years old, give or take a year.

give or take 网络解释

1. 允许误差:give oneself up 自首 | give or take 允许误差 | give out 用尽

2. 允许有...的小误差:give oneself up to despair 只会悲观失望. | give or take 允许有...的小误差. | give out 分发, 发出(气味、热等), 发表, 用尽, 精疲力竭.

3. 左右:Uh, about six weeks,|大约六星期 | give or take.|左右 | Yeah, that was earl getting me drunk that night, all right.|嗯,就是厄尔把我灌醉那晚,好的

4. 差不多吧:Well, then it must have been 19-and-a-quarter years ago, then.|那就应该是在19年零3个月... | Give or take.|差不多吧 | Anyway, I better go. That poor man's been waiting forever.|好了 我该走了 不然那可怜虫...

give or take 单语例句


1. The relationship between nature and humans can never be simplified or rationalized as " give and take ".

2. give or take在线翻译

2. Nobody should use public money to give gifts or hold feasts, and no one is allowed to take bribes as gifts.

3. The United States is still the same country it was a year ago, give or take about 6 million jobs.

4. It is also interesting to note that after Han, longest life span of a dynasty was 300 years give or take.

5. No one's asking them to give up their SUVs or take a pay cut, just wear something decent when they're representing the league.

6. So they either give up the opportunity or take out big loans, he said.

7. He declined to give details of when or where they would take place, saying only that the venue would not be Berlin.

8. He reminded the parents that the verdict does not give immunity to medical staff or affect the families'rights to take further action.

9. give or take是什么意思

9. The reports didn't say when the change might take effect or give details of how it would affect businesses or individuals.


10. People can mail prohibited items, take them to their cars or give them to someone who is not traveling.

give or take 英英释义



1. plus or minus a small amount

    e.g. it is a mile away, give or take a few hundred yards
