giant star

giant star [ˈdʒaiənt stɑ:]  [ˈdʒaɪənt stɑr] 

giant star 基本解释
giant star 网络解释

giant star

1. 巨星:人们认为它是星球演变(stellar evolution)晚期的一颗巨星(giant star). 表面温度在 2000~3000K范围,直径为太阳的10~100倍. 2.重力的或爱因斯坦红移不是因多普勒效应,而是由重力场产生的光谱线向红端的相似位移. 爱因斯坦曾对这类红移有过预言,

2. 天皇巨星:天湖女侠/The Heroine of Tianhu Lake | 天皇巨星/Giant Star | 天骄/Heroes

3. 巨星,巨星:giant size ==> 特大号包装 | giant star ==> 巨星,巨星 | giant telescope ==> 巨型望远镜,巨型望远镜

giant star 单语例句

1. giant star的意思

1. After the red giant phase, a star enters the final stage of evolution.

2. giant star在线翻译

2. The former Spice Girls star will follow in the footsteps of her soccer star husband David by modelling the fashion giant's lingerie line.

3. Scientists speculate that there is more than enough time during a star's giant phase for life to evolve again.

4. The red giant star is twice as massive and about 10 times larger than the sun.

5. The enormous gravity of the giant black hole stretched the star until it was torn apart.

6. A total of 17 giant pandas will star in a TV series.

giant star 英英释义


1. a very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the Sun)

    Synonym: giant
